Millions of people aspire to achieve economic mobility - the opportunity to climb the economic ladder, decide the direction of their own lives, and have a valued place in their communities. However, barriers to opportunity, such as a lack of access to high-mobility jobs or bureaucratic processes that complicate access to safety net benefits, make it difficult for many to achieve those aspirations.
Local governments span a wide range of systems that deliver services, provide benefits, and shape the opportunities available to individuals and families. Decisions made by local elected leaders and budget officials, transportation and utility workers, and employees in healthcare, education, and public safety can all impact economic mobility. Many local leaders recognize this and are eager for the data, tools, insights, and proven practices to improve economic mobility in their communities and help put people on a path out of poverty.
The Urban Institute and the Gates Foundation are working together to support local leaders in improving economic mobility through the Upward Mobility Framework. This framework provides definitions, metrics, and tools to help local leaders understand economic challenges in their communities and how they can effectively address them.
Download this paper to learn about the Upward Mobility Framework and how you can use this tool to help people in your community achieve their aspirations and feel a sense of belonging in communities where they are valued.
Who should read this paper?
Local decision-makers and leaders in local governments, including elected officials, managers, and agency heads, particularly in elected offices, administration, operations, general services, finance, taxation, budgeting, public works, transportation, infrastructure, utility, planning, economic development, workplace development, education, library services, health and human services, courts, corrections, justice, parks and recreation, and land management.