What a Good Clerk Knows: Knowledge Recipes for Your Best Work

As a clerk, you’re on the frontline of public service work. Thankfully, you don’t have to do this alone, nor should you.

The team at CivicPlus has been sharing resources with clerks for years, but never in one easy recipe. We hope you’re hungry for brain food because there are plenty of tips, hacks, and information snacks in this perfect recipe for achieving optimal clerk efficiency and performance. In this eBook, you’ll learn about:

  • Top industry resources for clerks
  • Our CivicPlus® Agenda and Meeting Management Software
  • Our Municode Codification services
  • NextRequest FOIA Records Request software, powered by CivicPlus
  • CivicPlus Social Media Archiving software
  • CivicPlus Municipal Websites

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